I love this post. I love Morandi. I am, however, Proustless.

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I love this so much. And Proust. And Morandi. I started reading Proust back in 2009. I've only gotten through the first 4, and the 4th one took me about 3 years to read, which includes having to start over, even though, really, I didn't need to, because you can just pick up and read, since it's not about the plot. And never fear, you will be seeing M. Charlus again! I have the Penguin translations with the pretty stamped foil covers and French flaps and the paper is lovely. They are not that expensive.

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uh oh... not me feeling inspired to read proust?? also lol'd hard at digireads dot com

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please read Proust and please live-text me all your thoughts (no pressure lol)

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This makes me feel peaceful. I love the sense of prolonged attention and going slowly. And the sketched comic at the end makes me giggle so much! Thank you!

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wow. I am beyond impressed. I actually went to college in France, and have read some Voltaire, Camus, Baudelaire, Hugo, de Balzac, Sand, Zola, de Saint-Exupéry, Sartre, Molière, Rimbaud, Stendahl, Villon, Mallarmé . . . but Proust? Non. At least not yet, tant pis. I was thrilled to read your account, Lena.

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Oh my goodness, two of my favorites though I have never put them together...what a lovely connection!!

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obsessed with how ugly that cover is <3

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